Circus of midnight will hold the Frigate FreeForAll Event in Rakapas, on Saturday, September 5th from 11:00 to 15:00 evetime. This is our second FFA event. I hope all player who live around the Pacific Ocean to join and talk each other in "pew pew" the lowsec common language. Of course, people in any other timezones will be welcomed too. The event channel is "Rakapas Frigate FFA". I'll be there while I am online, ask me any question about this event.
We will offer hundreds of Free Frigates, T1 fitted Frigates for every faction. They require minimum fitting skill(Power Grid Management IV, CPU Management IV etc). I will link fittings on In-game channel, check it if you can fly in them (and plan a strategy to get more kill). Feel free to ask a fitting MOD if you need it due to your skill.
I ask all participates to follow these Rules so that everyone can enjoy this event. Some, but attractive prizes will be awarded to anyone who follow the rules below.
No warfare link alt is allowed. Implants and Combat Boosters are allowed.
Gangs and Teamplay is not allowed. However this is not applied when you kick out obvious rule breaker.
No podding. No podkill. Tackling a pod to request song is not allowed.
Do not use larger combat ships than Frigate Size hulls. (i.e Only Frigate Size Hulls) T1 Frigates, T2 Frigates, Navy/Pirates Frigates, Rookie ships, Shuttles, Industrial Ships, Mining Barges, and Capital Industrial Ship are allowed.
Gatecamp and station camp are not allowed. I recommend not to fight around Stargates.
Cloaking is allowed. Broadcasting on twitch is encouraged.
All of EWars include ECMs are allowed. I want people to be ingenious.
Reshipping is encouraged.
Report if you found anyone breaking the rules. Anyone found in violation of the rules will not be awarded any prizes.
Farming kill/loss without actual fight is not allowed.
(Sep 3rd) PRIZES get expanded thanks to donations.
MOST TOP DAMAGES -- A set of High-grade Snake Implants --1x Caldari Navy Hookbill Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent) --1x Federation Navy Comet Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent) --1x Imperial Navy Slicer EoM SKIN (Permanent) --1x Republic Fleet Firetail Justice SKIN (Permanent)
A person who are recorded as "Top Damage" on most KillMails will be awarded this prize.
2nd MOST TOP DAMAGES -- A set of Pirates FrigatesA set of Navy Frigates --1x Caldari Navy Hookbill Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent) --1x Federation Navy Comet Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent) --1x Imperial Navy Slicer EoM SKIN (Permanent) --1x Republic Fleet Firetail Justice SKIN (Permanent)
3rd MOST TOP DAMAGES -- A set of Navy FrigatesA set of Pirates Frigates
MOST LOSSES -- A set of Mid-Grade Ascendancy Implants(exclude Omega).
A person who lost most ships in combat will be awarded this prize. TANKIEST LOSS -- 1x Imperial Navy Modified 'Noble' Implant
The pilot of the frigate which tanked the highest amount of damage until gone, will be awarded this prize. MOST EXPENSIVE LOSS -- Astero Sanctuary SKIN (Permanent)
The pilot who lost most expensive KillMail will be award this prize.
MOST KILLS WITH KESTREL: Kestrel Raata Sunset SKIN (Permanent) MOST KILLS WITH MERLIN: Merlin Raata Sunset SKIN (Permanent)
donated by Amanohara Co.Ltd. MOST KILLS WITH SLASHER: Slasher Krusual SKIN (Permanent)
I will accept any offer to expand Prizes.
Only killmails created from 11:00 to 15:00 are valid. I ask all to post an API key to zkillboard so that I get all killmails to give a prizes to legitimate participates. I recommend to link killmail on local if you get awesome kills, and I ask you not to taunt people who lost a "creative" ship.
BlackRise is one of the most dangerous region. I recommend switch empty clone from your +5 learning clone in advance.
Nourvkaiken-Tama gate is camped heavily 23/7. Do not try passing through without scout. I recommend enter lowsec via Samanuni or Usi.
If you are in Gallente Militia or Minmatar Militia, you cannot dock station in Rakapas.
Circus of midnightは2回目のFrigate FFAイベントをRakapasで9月5日(土曜日) 日本時間でDT明け~24時に行います。
FFAとはFree For Allの頭文字を取ったもので、あえて日本語に訳すならば「大乱闘」になります。チームプレイ禁止で誰を撃っても良いPvPイベントです。Stay Frostyが定期的にやっているのが面白かったので日本人にも参加しやすい形でやってみようという企画です。1回目は4/25に行われ、100人を超える参加者が集まりました。
Thanks to every people who joined the event. About 1200~ kills occurred and I get 975 killmails from zkillboard. It was beyond my expectation by far. I'm sorry that I couldn't prepare enough free ships. I expected that 50 people come at most. However more than 100 people participated. What a amazing number!
So, I had to write script to analyze those killmail, and It took days. Now I finished it. Here we go
Be careful! This prizes are awarded to who get written as TopDamage on most killmails, not who get most kills. I don't want people to fly Vigil with Target Painter(s).
1st was Siratama (ONI Industry) He got 63 TopDamage kills.
He will receive a set of High Grade Snake Implants.
2nd was Kentlarquis (NACHO) He got 49 TopDamage kills.
He will receive a set of pirate frigates.
3rd was neibis rudus (The Division.) He got 48 TopDamage kills.
He will receive a set of Navy frigates.
The pilot who lost most ship will get Nestor.
Winner is ran zyu (Amanohara slave Industry). He lost 47 ships. What a effort!
Winner is Quake590 (Cynosural Field Theory.). He got 9 solokills.
He will receive Orthrus. Congrats!
I have never thought even winner get only 9 kill...
779MISK Pimp fit Garmur!
Final Blow was Sturm Gewehr. This lucky guy will receive 3 Garmurs provided by Nicolas Ulsvale.
Kentalarquis will receive a Tristan Quafe SKIN (Permanent).
The pilot who get most kill with condor gets 10x Quafe Zero.
Winner is Maria Tama (FESTA).
You can get data I used. Click this link.
Unfortunately I couldn't gather all killmails. I guess about 200 killmails are missing. This means so many pvp newbies participated this event. I'm very pleased.
Again, thanks to everyone supported this event. I'll do FFA again and hope more people participate. See you again!
Circus of midnight will hold the Frigate FreeForAll Event in Rakapas, on Saturday, April 25th from 10:00 to 16:00 evetime. As far as I know, such an event has never taken place in AUTZ. I hope all player who live around the Pacific Ocean to join and talk each other in "pew pew" the lowsec common language. Of course, people in any other timezones will be welcomed too. The event channel is "Rakapas Frigate FFA". I'll be there while I log in EVE, ask me any question about this event.
We will offer hundreds of Free Frigates, one of T1 fitted Frigate and two of T2 fitted Frigate for every faction. T1 fitted ones require minimum fitting skill(Power Grid Management IV, CPU Management IV etc), T2 fitted ones require more. I paste fittings on In-game channel "Rakapas Free Ship", check it if you can fly in them (and plan a strategy to get more kill). Feel free to ask a fitting MOD or meta MOD if you need it due to your skill.
I ask all participates to follow these Rules so that everyone can enjoy this event. Some, but attractive prizes will be awarded to anyone who follow the rules below.
No warfare link alt is allowed. Implants and Combat Boosters are allowed.
Gangs and Teamplay is not allowed. However this is not applied when you kick out obvious rule breaker.
No podding. No podkill. Tackling a pod to request song is not allowed.
Only Frigate Size hulls. T1 Frigates, T2 Frigates, Navy/Pirates Frigates, Rookie ships, Shuttles, and capsule are allowed. AT prize frigates are also allowed but I guess no one uses them.
Gatecamp and station camp are not allowed. I recommend not to fight around Stargates.
Cloaking is allowed. Broadcasting on twitch is encouraged.
All kinds of EWar include ECMs are allowed. I want people to be ingenious.
Reshipping is encouraged. No limit to requesting free ship to return fight.
Report if you found anyone breaking the rules. Anyone found in violation of the rules will not be awarded any prizes.
Farming kill/loss without actual fight is not allowed.
MOST TOP DAMAGES -- A set of HighGrade Snake Implant. (Sorry, I couldn't gather enough ISK to buy a HG Omega) (Include Omega)
A person who are recorded as "Top Damage" on most KillMails will be awarded this prize. 2nd MOST TOP DAMAGES -- A set of Pirates Frigates 3rd MOST TOP DAMAGES -- A set of Navy Frigates MOST LOSSES -- 1x Nestor MOST SOLO KILLS -- 1x Orthrus
DONATES MOST EXPENSIVE KILL -- 3x Garmur by Nicolas Ulsvale given to player named as Final Blow of MOST expensive KillMail. MOST EXPENSIVE LOSS:1x Tristan Quafe Edition to player who lost most expensive frigate. MOST KILLS WITH CONDOR:10x Quafe Zero by NT-D EXAM
I will accept any offer to expand Prizes.
Only killmails created from 10:00 to 16:00 are valid. I ask all to post an API key to zkillboard so that I get all killmails to give a prizes to legitimate participates. I recommend to link killmail on local if you get awesome kills, and I ask you not to taunt people who lost a "creative" ship.
BlackRise is one of the most dangerous region in neweden. I recommend switch empty clone from your +5 learning clone in advance.
Nourvkaiken-Tama gate is camped heavily 23/7. Do not try passing through without scout. I recommend enter lowsec via Samanuni or Usi.
If you are in Caldari Militia or Amarr Militia, you cannot dock station in Rakapas.
といったところで、4/18(土)の 22:00~24:00の2時間で予定しています。
VC等は使用しませんが、参加する人はゲーム内チャットチャンネルの"Rakapas Frigate FFA"に入っていてください。集合場所はRakapas II - State Protectorate Logistic Support
防衛フリートは無かった。戦わずしてPOSは折られた。運悪くVOXが保有するR64が別のところに撃たれたため朝5時に防衛フリートがあり、紆余曲折あってIshtarとR64を失い人も船も集まらなかった。跡地(Rakapas V moon 4)にはGoonswarmのPOSが立った。