Chatでいちいち私のところにワープしろだとか打つのは非常に面倒なので、符丁を使いたいな。いろいろ調べたところ、MinmatarFWアライアンスIron Oxide.のが見つかった。 から- 'x' means 'invite me to the fleet please'. Also related: 'x up!' ('there is a fleet, join it!'), 're-x, dc'ed' ('please re invite me to the fleet, my router is a piece of garbage and I keep losing connection').- 'XXX' means 'I have a hostile tackled/aggressed, need help'. Also often typed into fleet by designated bait ships when someone has fallen for the bait, so you can right-click him to warp to him.- 'www' means 'I am the person you should be warping to'. Depending on context, this can be either straight away, or when a specific thing occurs ( for example, 'When they jump in, everyone warp to John Doe. John, can you just type www in fleet so everyone knows who we mean?')'- 'sss' means 'I am at a safespot, if you need a safe you can warp to me'.- 'to go +1' - usually an order given to scouts; to be one jump ahead of the fleet and report on number of pilots in local, number of wartargets, and ships on scan.- 'warp [system] 0' - warp to the gate in question at 0. Do not jump unless a jump order is also given.- 'warp to [system] and jump on contact' - warp to the system named and jump immediately when you arrive.- 'best speed [system name]' - get to the system in question as fast as you can. A helpful FC will link the system name in chat so you can set destination. If he doesn't, and you don't know where it is, ask if someone can link it.- 'jump and hold cloak' - jump through, but do not move/align/do anything once you load the new system, so that you will hold gatecloak for as long as possible.- 'warp [system] at optimals' - warp to the gate named at the optimal range for your ship's weaponry. Often followed by 'tackle at 0', which means if you are in a tackle ship, like a frigate, you warp to 0 on the gate instead, so you can catch things that come through.- 'primary', 'secondary', etc. - order in which targets should be put down. If in doubt, shoot the primary. If you cannot shoot the primary (because he might be out of range, for example), shoot the secondary. As soon as the primary dies, start shooting the secondary.- 'point' and 'scram' - respectively, a Warp Disruptor and a Warp Scrambler. Also used to convey that you have managed to activate one on a target ('I have point!' or 'He's scrammed!'). Also known as 'longpoint' and 'shortpoint', due to the difference in range between these modules. A scrambler will shut off microwarpdrives in addition to stopping a target warping out, a disruptor will not.- 'yellowbox' and 'redbox' - used to convey the status of a target - 'yellowbox' means he has you locked, but has not yet aggressed. 'Redbox' means he is actively firing and thus aggressed. This is important because while redboxed he cannot jump or dock.- 'BAIL BAIL BAIL' - means 'this has gone to hell, everyone run away'. Get yourself somewhere safe and await orders to regroup.
'x' 「フリートに入れてください」
'x up!' 「フリートを立てた。フリートに入りたい奴はxと打て」
're-x, dc'ed' 「コネロスしました。もう一回フリートに入れてください」
'XXX' 「敵に捕まったor敵と交戦中、支援求む」baitが獲物を捕まえたときとかにも使う。各自これを打った人の元にワープ。
'www' 「私はあなたがワープすべき人だ」例:「敵がジャンプしたら、みんなJohn Doeの所にワープ。みんながどこに飛べば良いか分かるようにJohn Doeはwwwと打て」(訳注:これを使うのは止めた方が良さそう…事故が起きる予感)
'sss' 「私はSSに居る、必要があれば私の所にワープしろ」
'to go +1' 主にスカウトに与えられる指示。スカウトはフリートの1つ先のシステムに進み、localの数とD-scanの結果を報告する。
'warp [system] 0' 「ゲートの0km地点にワープ。指示があるまでjumpはするな」
'warp to [system] and jump on contact'「 ゲートにワープ。直ちにjumpsしろ」
'best speed [system name]' 「全速力で(システム名)に向かえ」FCはシステム名にリンクを貼りましょう。
'jump and hold cloak' 「ゲートをjumpして、そのまま動かず待機」
'warp [system] at optimals' 「ゲートに各自適当な交戦距離でワープしろ」タックラーは0kmに飛びましょう。
'primary', 'secondary' 「第一攻撃目標」「第二攻撃目標」基本的にprimaryを全力で撃つ。ただし、距離的に無理っぽいときはsecondaryを先に撃ってもいい。primaryが死んだら直ちにsecondaryを撃つ。
'point' 'scram' それぞれWarp DisruptorとWarp Scramblerを表す。'I have point!' 「pointを掛けられた」'He's scrammed!'「scramを掛けた」とか使うらしい。
'yellowbox' 'redbox' それぞれターゲットされた状態と攻撃を受けた状態を指す、OVとブラケット上の表示をそのまま表した言葉。'redbox'の奴はゲートをjump出来ない(重要)。
'BAIL BAIL BAIL' : 「もうダメだ、撤退!」各自どこか適当な場所に逃げて再集合の指示を待つこと。
これVC用のもたくさん混じってるな。scramを掛けた掛けられただの、普通は打ってる暇はない。とりあえず、'xxx' 'sss' 'warp [system] 0'この辺は割と使いやすそう
全部chatで打つとするとjump on contactをjocとか略しても良いかもしれないけど。ローミング祭の趣旨から言うとあんまり多くのことを覚えさせるのもアレだなあ。EVEそのもののブロードキャスト機能を可能な限り使うべき。
'1st talos 2nd brutix' (ワープ中に指示)
'warp to me'
'warp to Kedama and jump'
'jump and hold cloak'
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